Preparing your dataset for processing

Raw data files

The first step to process your data is to understand what raw data you have.

  • Do you have FASTQ or FASTA data?
  • Are your sequences already de-multiplexed with one file per sample, or will you need to split sequences by barcodes?
  • Do you have unmerged forward and reverse reads that you’ll need to merge?
  • Are the primers still in the sequences?
  • Are all reads already all trimmed to a certain length?

Every sequencing center provides a different kind of “raw data”, so make sure you know what you’re starting with! The pipeline takes many different kinds of inputs and can perform many different processing steps, so it’s important to know what you’ll be needing.

Summary file

This file, named summary_file.txt, is a machine-readable, tab-delimited file that must accompany any dataset directory when uploaded to the cloud. It orchestrates all processing that will happen, and is where you specify each of your processing requests. It should be found in the highest directory level for the dataset directory in the S3 bucket. It is a text file with descriptors for the data and paths to all relevant datafiles within the directory. It can include a True or False flag for whether any associated raw 16S/ITS data has already been processed. It is case-sensitive.

The order in which items are listed between the lines #16S_start and #16S_end (for 16S) and between lines #ITS_start and #ITS_end (for ITS) does not matter.

Note that any white space in the summary file should correspond to a single tab character.

Summary file format and options

The first line in your summary file should be:

DATASET_ID  myDataset

16S and ITS processing parameters are specified by attributes placed on separate lines between #16S_start and #16S_end and/or #ITS_start and #ITS_end. All white spaces in the summary file should be tabs.

Required attributes are:

  • and one of:
    • RAW_FASTA_FILE, or

For processing to occur, PROCESSED should be False (case-sensitive).

The following section will go through all available summary file attributes, and are summarized in List of 16S and ITS attributes. These options are presented in roughly the same order as they are processed.

Input file(s)

The pipeline takes as input many kinds of raw data:

one FASTQ file. This file should contain all sequences for all of your samples. Sequences may still contain barcodes, or they can have had barcodes removed and FASTQ headers replaced with sample identifiers. Specify with RAW_FASTQ_FILE.

multiple FASTQ files. Each of these files should contain sequences for one sample only. Specify with RAW_FASTQ_FILES.

one FASTA file. This file should contain all sequences for all of your samples, and should have a sample identifier in the FASTA header line. Specify with RAW_FASTA_FILE.

multiple FASTA files. Each of these files should contain sequences for one sample only. Specify with RAW_FASTA_FILES.

If you have one sequence file, RAW_FASTQ_FILE or RAW_FASTA_FILE should refer to the FASTQ/A file name.

If you have multiple sequence files, RAW_FASTQ_FILES or RAW_FASTA_FILES should refer to a text file that relates each FASTQ/A file to its sample identifier. This text file is tab-delimited with the FASTQ/A file name in the first column and the corresponding sample ID in the second column. This text file should not contain a header.

An example fastq2sid.txt file mapping each FASTQ file to its sample is:

SRR1324.fastq    sample1
SRR1325.fastq    sample2
SRR1326.fastq    sample3

Note that all file paths provided should be relative to the summary file directory. If your FASTQ to sample ID file map is in a subdirectory called filemaps/ and your sequence files are in a subdirectory called datafiles/, then RAW_FASTQ_FILES would be filemaps/fastq_filemap.txt, and the entries in fastq_filemap.txt would include the datafiles/ prefix (e.g. datafiles/SRR1324.fastq, etc.)


If you have unmerged paired-end reads, you can merge them by setting MERGE_PAIRS to True (case sensitive). Merging can be performed in both the case where your reads are not de-multiplexed (i.e. you have one file with all of your forward reads for all of your samples, and one file with all of the reverse reads) and when they are (i.e. you have two files per sample: one with the forward reads and one with the reverse reads).

If you need to merge reads, you also need to specify the file name suffixes for both the forward and reverse read files. These are specified in FWD_SUFFIX and REV_SUFFIX and default to _R1.fastq and _R2.fastq, respectively. If you have more complicated file names, either rename them to have consistent suffixes, or talk to Claire to see if you can incorporate more complicated regex matching into the code.

Note that the files specified either in RAW_FASTQ_FILE or in the fastq_filemap.txt (specified in RAW_FASTQ_FILES) should refer to the full name of the FASTQ file(s) containing the forward reads.

See Case 4: multiple demultiplexed raw paired-end FASTQ files of 16S sequences which need merging for an example.


If your FASTQ file still contains the barcodes in the sequences, you will need to include BARCODES_MAP and BARCODES_MODE in your summary file. **Note that BARCODES_MAP is a required attribute. If you do not need to de-multiplex your sequences, BARCODES_MAP should be None (case-sensitive).

BARCODES_MAP refers to a tab-delimited file which has the sample identifiers in the first column and the corresponding barcode sequence in the second column. This file does not have a header.

An example BARCODES_MAP file could be:


You may also specify a BARCODES_MODE, which specifies where the barcodes are to found in the FASTQ file. If the barcodes are still in the sequences, BARCODES_MODE should be 2. If the barcodes are in the FASTQ sequence header, BARCODES_MODE should be 1. BARCODES_MODE defaults to 2.

See Case 1: raw FASTQ file of 16S sequences, still includes primers and barcodes for an example.

Sometimes, the ’raw’ data has already had primers and barcodes removed but still has all samples in the same FASTQ file. In this case, BARCODES_MAP should be None and the sample IDs must be listed in the sequence header lines of the FASTQ file. If there is text other than the sample ID in the header, you need to specify the first non-sample ID character in BARCODES_SEPARATOR. For example, sequences in these kinds of files are often labeled like:

...<rest of fastq record>
...<rest of fastq record>
...<rest of fastq record>
...<rest of fastq record>
...<rest of fastq record>

In this case, the barcodes separator would be an underscore (_), which is the default.

Primer trimming

If you need to remove primers from your sequences, you can specify PRIMERS_FILE, a text file with your primer sequences. **Note that PRIMERS_FILE is a required attribute. If you do not need to remove primers from your sequences, PRIMERS_FILE should be None (case sensitive).

Your primers file should have each primer on its own line and no header:


The pipeline does not currently remove reverse primers. If your sequences still contain reverse primers, you can remove them yourself or trim your sequences to a length shorter than the start of your reverse primer.

Quality filtering

There are two ways to quality filter your sequences. One is based on the number of expected errors in your sequence, and the other truncates reads after a certain quality is encountered. You can learn more about these approaches by reading the USEARCH documentation:

To truncate reads after a base with a certain quality is encountered, use the QUALITY_TRIM option. A default value that is often used is 25. This step is performed before length trimming.

To discard reads based on their number of expected errors, use the MAX_ERRORS option. A default value that is often used is 2 (i.e. reads with more than 2 expected errors are discarded). This step is performed after length trimming

If nothing is specified, the pipeline defaults to QUALITY_TRIM of 25. If both MAX_ERRORS and QUALITY_TRIM are specified, quality filtering by truncation is performed (i.e. MAX_ERRORS is ignored).

You may also need to specify the encoding of the quality scores. ASCII_ENCODING can be either ASCII_BASE_33 (default) or ASCII_BASE_64. You can check the encoding of your file using usearch: usearch -fastq_chars yourFASTQfile.fastq

Length trimming

By default, the pipeline trims all reads to 101 base pairs before dereplication and clustering. You can specify a different length by using TRIM_LENGTH. Any reads which are shorter than the specified length are discarded.


In the dereplication step, unique sequences are identified and the samples from which they came are tracked (sometimes referred to as “provenancing”). By default, unique sequences which are present fewer than 10 times in the entire dataset are discarded. If you want to change this number, specify it with MIN_COUNT. (e.g. if MIN_COUNT is 2, only singleton sequences are discarded).

OTU calling

You can specify the similarity used to define OTUs in the OTU_SIMILARITY attribute. The default value is 97, corresponding to 97% OTUs.

By default, the pipeline clusters OTUs using both de novo and closed-reference approaches. If you specify an OTU similarity that does not have a corresponding Green Genes reference file, closed-reference clustering will not be performed. OTU similarities supported by Green Genes closed-reference mapping are: 61, 64, 67, 70, 73, 76, 79, 82, 85, 88, 91, 94, 97, and 99%. The database files used for this mapping can be found in /home/ubuntu/databases/gg_13_5_otus/rep_set_latin/.

The pipeline assigns taxonomies to de novo OTUs using the naive-Bayes RDP classifier. By default, the confidence cutoff is 0.5. You can specify a different value with the RDP_CUTOFF attribute.

Distribution-based OTU calling

The pipeline also performs distribution-based OTU calling [1]. You can set the abundance, distance and p value criteria in the summary file attributes DISTANCE_CRITERIA, ABUNDANCE_CRITERIA, and DBOTU_PVAL.

Distribution-based clustering is not performed by default. You can turn it on by setting the summary file attribute DBOTU to True.

Sample summary files

Case 1: raw FASTQ file of 16S sequences, still includes primers and barcodes

The simplest case is if you have the following files: a raw FASTQ file; a file specifying the map between barcode sequences and IDs; and a file specifying the primers used. Your summary file would look something like this:

DATASET_ID  myDataset

RAW_FASTQ_FILE      myData.fastq
PRIMERS_FILE        primers.txt
BARCODES_MAP        barcodes_map.txt
METADATA_FILE       metadata.txt
PROCESSED           False

Note that you must also specify the place where barcodes are to be found, i.e. either in the “>” sequence ID lines (mode 1) or in the sequences themselves (mode 2). The PROCESSED flag tells the processing instance that the dataset needs to be processed into OTU tables.

Your barcodes_map.txt file would look something like this:


And your primers.txt file could be:


Case 2: raw FASTQ file of ITS sequences, primers and barcodes have been removed

In the case where the ’raw’ data has already had primers and barcodes removed (but is not yet de-multiplexed, i.e. all samples are still in the same FASTQ file), the sample IDs must be listed in the sequence ID lines of the FASTQ file. When the pipeline removes barcodes itself and replaces them with sample IDs, individual sequence reads for a given sampleID will be annotated as sampleID;1, sampleID;2, etc., where we note here that the BARCODES_SEPARATOR is ’;’. However, in a dataset where the barcodes have previously been removed, you will have to look into the FASTQ file to check the ’separator’ character. Your summary file would look something like this:

DATASET_ID  myDataset

RAW_FASTQ_FILE     myData.fastq
METADATA_FILE      metadata.txt
PROCESSED          False

Case 3: multiple demultiplexed raw FASTQ or FASTA files of 16S sequences, each file corresponding to a single sample

Sometimes sequencing data are available in a demultiplexed form, where the reads for each sample are split into separate files. Many datasets in the SRA, for example, are available in this form. In this case, you can create a two-column, tab-delimited file where the first column lists the filename and the second column lists the corresponding sample ID. Note that paths should be relative paths within the current directory, e.g. datafiles/file1.txt for files in a folder called datafiles within the current directory. In the summary file, the RAW_FASTQ_FILE line becomes RAW_FASTQ_FILES (plural), and instead refers to this filename. If your files are FASTA rather than FASTQ, simply use RAW_FASTA_FILES (also plural). For a filename fastq_filemap.txt, your summary file would look something like this:

DATASET_ID  myDataset

RAW_FASTQ_FILES     fastq_filemap.txt
PRIMERS_FILE        primers.txt
METADATA_FILE       metadata.txt
PROCESSED           False
PRIMERS_FILE        None
BARCODES_MAP        None

And your fastq_filemap.txt file would look something like this (note that white spaces in the following example correspond to a single tab character):

SRR10001.fastq  S1
SRR10002.fastq  S2
SRR10003.fastq  S3
SRR10004.fastq  S4

Case 4: multiple demultiplexed raw paired-end FASTQ files of 16S sequences which need merging

If your 16S FASTQ files are split into forward and reverse paired-end reads, the pipeline can merge them for you. Specify MERGE_PAIRS in the summary file, and also include the filename suffixes corresponding to forward and reverse reads. If your forward read fastq files were named sampleID_L001_R1.fastq and your reverse read fastq files were named sampleID_L001_R2.fastq, your summary file would look something like this:

DATASET_ID  myDataset

RAW_FASTQ_FILES fastq_filemap.txt
FWD_SUFFIX      _L001_R1.fastq
REV_SUFFIX      _L001_R2.fastq
PROCESSED       False

And your fastq_filemap would look like

S1_L001_R1.fastq  S1
S2_L001_R1.fastq  S2
S3_L001_R1.fastq  S3
S4_L001_R1.fastq  S4

If you have de-multiplexed files (as in this example), the file names in your fastq_filemap.txt file should be the forward read fastq files.

If instead you have non-demultiplexed sequences (i.e. two fastq files, one containing your forward reads and one containing your reverse reads), RAW_FASTQ_FILE should point to the file containing the forward reads.

List of 16S and ITS attributes

Attribute Description
RAW_FASTQ_FILE Raw FASTQ file name/path within the dataset directory. If MERGE_PAIRS is True, this should be the full name of the forward read file.
RAW_FASTA_FILE Raw FASTA file name/path if raw data is in FASTA format
RAW_FASTQ_FILES For demultiplexed datasets where samples are separated into separate FASTQ files. Filename of two column file containing FASTQ filenames in first column and sample IDs in the second column. If MERGE_PAIRS is True, these file names should be the full forward read file names.
RAW_FASTA_FILES For demultiplexed datasets where samples are separated into separate FASTA files. Filename of two column file containing FASTA filenames in first column and sample IDs in the second column.
ASCII_ENCODING ASCII quality encoding in FASTQ. Supports either ASCII_BASE_33 or ASCII_BASE_64. Set to 33 if unspecified.
Filename/path to primers file.
Required: If primers have already been removed, specify None.

Filename/path to barcodes map file. Tab-delimited file contains sampleIDs in first column and barcode sequences in second column.

Required: If barcodes have already been removed, specify None.

1 = barcodes in sequence ID,
2 = barcodes in sequences themselves.
3 = barcodes in separate index file (beta)
Required if BARCODES_MAP is not None.
BARCODES_SEPARATOR Separator character. See description in De-multiplexing
METADATA_FILE Filename/path to metadata file.
MERGE_PAIRS If need to merge paired-end reads, set to True.
FWD_SUFFIX Filename suffix of files with forward reads. Should include filename extension. If not specified, defaults to _1.fastq
REV_SUFFIX Filename suffix of files with reverse reads. Should include filename extension. If not specified, defaults to _2.fastq
PROCESSED True/False flag for whether data have already been processed. ` required: Set to False for processing to proceed.
TRIM_LENGTH Length to which all sequences should be trimmed. Defaults to 101 if unspecified.
QUALITY_TRIM Minimum quality score allowed. Sequences are truncated at the first base having quality score less than value. Defaults to 25 if unspecified. If set to None, no quality filtering or trimming will be performed. If both QUALITY_TRIM and MAX_ERRORS are included in summary file, MAX_ERRORS will be ignored (even if QUALITY_TRIM = None).
MAX_ERRORS Maximum expected errors allowed. After length trimming, sequences with more than MAX_ERRORS expected errors are discarded. If not specified or if a QUALITY_TRIM value is specified, defaults to quality trimming behavior, above.
MIN_COUNT Minimum sequence count in dereplication across all samples. Defaults to 10 if unspecified (i.e. sequences with fewer than 10 occurrences in the entire dataset will not be considered downstream).
OTU_SIMILARITY Integer specifying the percent similarity desired in OTU clustering. Defaults to 97 if unspecified.
RDP_CUTOFF Desired probability cut-off for Ribosomal Database Project assignments. Assignments at each taxonomic level will be evaluated and those with a lower probability than this cutoff will be labeled as unidentified. Defaults to 0.5 if unspecified.
GG_ALIGN Specific to 16S sequences. True/False flag for whether GreenGenes alignments are desired. Defaults to True if unspecified.
UNITE_ALIGN Specific to ITS sequences. True/False flag for whether UNITE alignments are desired. Defaults to True if unspecified.
DBOTU Whether to perform distribution-based OTU calling. Defaults to False if unspecified.
ABUNDANCE_CRITERIA Abundance criteria for distribution-based OTU calling. Defaults to 10 if unspecified.
DISTANCE_CRITERIA Distance criteria for distribution-based OTU calling. Defaults to 0.1 if unspecified.
DBOTU_PVAL P value cutoff for distribution-based OTU calling. Defaults to 0.0005 if unspecified.
OUTDIR Full path to processing directory. Defaults to /home/ubuntu/proc/ if not specified.