Pipeline output files and directories

The pipeline outputs different OTU tables and corresponding representative sequences. All final outputs can be found in the processing_results folder, under a sub-directory labeled myDataset_results. Files in this directory are labeled systematically, usually with the format myDataset.file_description.otu_similarity.file_type.

Top directory

Files in the top results directory are as follows:

  • myDataset.otu_seqs.N.fasta: FASTA file with the representative sequences for the denovo OTUs, clustered at N%.
  • myDataset.otu_seqs.dbOTU.fasta: FASTA file with the representative sequences for the distribution-based OTUs.
  • myDataset.otu_table.N.denovo: OTU table with N% denovo OTUs labeled denovo1, denovo2, … in the rows and samples in the columns.
  • myDataset.otu_table.N.dbOTU: OTU table with distribution-based OTUs labeled dbotu1, dbotu2, … in the rows and samples in the columns.
  • myDataset.otu_table.N.denovo_oligotypes: OTU table with N% denovo OTUs separated into unique oligotypes. Each OTU is labeled denovo1.1, denovo1.2, denovo2.1, denovo2.2, denovo2.3, etc. The first number corresponds to the parent denovo OTU number; the second is the oligotype number. Oligotypes are calculated as each unique sequence within an OTU cluster.
  • myDataset.raw_dereplicated.fasta: FASTA file with all unique sequences in the dataset. Only sequences which appear more times than the MIN_COUNT specified in the summary file are included (default value for MIN_COUNT is 10).
  • summary_file.txt: Updated summary file containing original processing request and resulting file names.

Also within each dataset’s processing_results directory, 3 sub-directories are created:

Quality control

Within the results folder, there is a subfolder called quality_control, which contains various plots diagnostic of dataset quality. Currently, the pipeline outputs:

  • Histogram showing distribution of read lengths, taken from the first 100,000 reads in the raw FASTQ file.
  • Bar chart showing number of reads per sample.
  • File showing percentage of reads thrown out at each processing step (processing_summary.txt).

Note that the information in these files is not always accurate - you should probably do more thorough quality control yourself.


This folder contains the RDP-assigned OTU tables. It has two files:

  • myDataset.otu_table.N.denovo.rdp_assigned: OTU table with denovo OTUs assigned Latin names with RDP. OTUs are in rows and samples are in columns. OTU names are of the format:


    where the denovoID corresponds to the respective sequence in ../myDataset.otu_seqs.N.fasta.

  • myDataset.otu_table.dbOTU.rdp_assigned: OTU table with distribution-based OTUs assigned Latin names with RDP. OTUs are in rows and samples are in columns. OTU names are of the format:


    where the dbotuID corresponds to the respective sequence in ../myDataset.otu_seqs.dbOTU.fasta.


This folder contains the Green Genes-assigned OTU table. It has multiple files, which are described further in the following section.

  • myDataset.otu_table.N.gg.consensusM: closed-reference OTU table with dereplicated sequences mapped to Green Genes using usearch. OTUs are in rows and samples are in columns. OTU names are of the format:


    where the derepID corresponds to the sequence in ../myDataset.raw_dereplicated.fasta with the same ID number.